Community Bank CEOs: Want a successful bank sale? Free your limits.


Your potential acquirer will be five to seven times your size.


If we can get an idea of the size of a potential acquirer, we can extrapolate an estimate of what the legal lending limit would be for that bank.

That’s good information to consider.


You likely have...

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Community Bank CEOs: Reverse Engineer Your Bank for a Successful Bank Sale


You know your bank better than anybody.


If you had a magic wand you could wave to buy another bank, and the bank would fix all of your bank’s weaknesses, what would the bank look like?

What market(s) would it serve?

What products would it offer?

What would the deposit mix look...

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Community Bank CEOs: The Four Stages of a Successful Bank Sale


Every bank, every CEO/owner, every bank sale is unique.


Bo Burlingham, author of the 2014 book “Finish Big: How Great Entrepreneurs Exit Their Companies on Top” broke out the process into four stages:

  • Stage One: Exploratory
  • Stage Two: Strategic
  • Stage Three: Execution
  • ...
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3 really valuable ways bank CEOs have for reaching a successful bank sale (Part 2)


In Part 1, we talked about the fact that you only sell your bank once. And we asked the question “How can you possibly prepare for that?”


We also pointed out that selling a bank isn’t like selling a house.

You can't just put a fresh coat of paint on things, get the...

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3 really valuable ways bank CEOs have for reaching a successful bank sale (Part 1)


You only sell the bank once.

How can you possibly prepare for that?


You are already feeling there are too many things to focus on that affect our results today.

You’re also thinking I can’t possibly afford to take time away from today to work on a one-time event that may...

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Community Bank CEOs: Reasons to hire right for a successful bank sale


Your job as CEO is to make yourself replaceable.

You do that by hiring the right people, who can keep the bank running well, without you.


Don’t get me wrong, you have unique and specialized talents like being a visionary, being adaptable, being a motivator, and being a...

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Ever wonder about the best way to sell a community bank?


It’s when you’re prepared.

Being prepared allows you to be more confident in your decisions, actions, and communication.


You hear athletes talk about the game “speeding up” and the game “slowing down”.

It speeds up when you’re unprepared and...

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Bank CEOs: Who is interested in buying your community bank?


Today we’re going to focus on who may be interested in buying your bank.

It sounds elementary, but the more people you have at the top of any sales funnel, the greater likelihood of a sale in the end. More than one potential buyer goes a long way in your efforts to getting a good...

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Community Bank CEOs: 3 ways to go to market for a focused and successful sale


Generally, there are 3 possible ways to go to market with your bank:

  • The “one-buyer” approach
  • The “one-bid” approach
  • The “strategic” approach

Today, I am going to walk you through each of the approaches.

The approach you choose matters and your board...

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2 Smart Ways to Approach Your Needs for a Successful Bank Sale


Today, I am going to show you 2 of the smartest ways to address the needs of your:

  • Shareholders
  • Board of directors


As you move into the thought of selling, your mind will be racing. After all, this is new ground to plow, and you will have this weighing on you in addition to the...

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Selling your community bank? The way successful sellers attract buyers.


I believe it is human nature for any business owner – it doesn’t have to be a bank owner – to think, “Okay, here’s what we have, what will you give me for it?”

Or, simply put, here’s what I have, what do I get?


There’s a natural...

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Bank CEOs: Planned Exit. Reasons why a good one will unlock your bank's value.


Today, I am going to show you why you should ignore price-to-book multiples.

Multiples lull you into believing the story of your bank is being written by fate. The story sounds something like this, “As soon as multiples get back up, we’ll take a look at selling.” Or...

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