Bank M&A: The right way to clarity in an investment banker?


When you bring serious people to the table, you are signaling to your potential buyer pool,


“We are serious.”


Your advisor team are the serious people you are bringing to the table.

Your investment banker, your lawyer, and your accountant.


For those who may...

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Best Exit Strategy? You want a strong bank you can own forever or sell tomorrow.


In 2017, our bank was eleven years old.

Our loan-to-deposit ratio was running consistently at 100%+.

We had $40 million borrowed on our Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) line of credit.

We had $60 million in bonds that we were holding in an unrealized loss position in at the time.



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Community Bank CEOā€™s: Why is it good to have an exit strategy?


Every day as a bank CEO, you struggle to balance plates on sticks.


Competitive threats, talent management, management succession, asset quality, liquidity, cybersecurity threats, interest rates, regulatory compliance, regulatory overreach, capital planning, along with customer and...

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Bank Directors ā€“ Other Peopleā€™s Money: What do your shareholders actually desire?


As a bank CEO you are familiar with acting as a fiduciary.

We all can become “house blind” to the specifics of those duties.

Reviewing the fiduciary duties of good faith, care, and loyalty are helpful, especially when selling the bank.

Directors should ensure they are...

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Successful Bank Sale: Are your people attracting buyers? (Part 2)


In Part 1 of this newsletter, we discussed the importance of making yourself replaceable as CEO.


That requires hiring the right people, developing them, and protecting your investment of time and resources.


You have perhaps kissed more than your fair share of toads along the...

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Successful Bank Sale: Are your people attracting buyers?


Your job as the CEO is to make yourself replaceable.


You do that by hiring the right people to keep the company going without you.


Don’t get me wrong, you have unique and specialized talents like being a visionary, being adaptable, being a motivator, and being receptive...

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Community Bank CEOs: Know your winning value to a bank buyer?


Banks are bought, not sold.


They are bought because the buyer thinks the value of their bank will increase with the addition of your bank.

The buyers aren’t as interested in the past as they are in the future.


Finding the areas where the combination of two banks creates...

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Successful Community Bank Sale: Do you know your Golden Window of Opportunity?


If you could pick a time that presents the “best” time to begin the process of looking for a buyer, what would you base it on?


I would base it on the moment when your safety & soundness, BSA and IT exams have just successfully completed, and you have 18 months until...

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Successful Community Bank Sale: Is your cost savings worth more than you think?


Let’s look at cost savings from a sale/merger.

An acquisition that leaves all the personnel in place along with little to no operational changes still results in cost savings.


It is important to recognize that there are still redundancies like two data processing contracts,...

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Do more than Survive, Thrive with 5 Power Value Drivers

What drives value, and what detracts from it?


This is not an exhaustive list, but it is the most significant.


First, we'll look at five primary value drivers that influence value.


By far the most important value driver is core earnings.

These are earnings that are consistent,...

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5 Fantastic Ways to Bank Valuation: Commit Them to Memory


We all know how it goes…

If you really want to buy something, you’re going to find a way to buy it.


The same holds true for selling.

If you really want to sell something, you’re going to find a way to sell it.


Valuation slows the process down.



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Best Time to Sell the Bank? Absolutely Steer Clear of these 6 Words


Looking for the best time to sell the bank?


The best advice I know of comes from Aswath Damodaran, professor of Finance at the Stern School of Business at New York University, and his story of the lemmings.


The lemmings became famous, or infamous, when they appeared in a 1958...

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